5+ Little-Known Ways to Get More Audience Engagement on LinkedIn

Susan Parker
5 min readSep 21, 2021


LinkedIn automation tool

LinkedIn is the best platform to build your personal brand. It’s a great networking platform for connecting and reaching out to business professionals, yet most people don’t leverage its networking power. If you don’t know how to do outreach effectively, you might not see your desired level of engagement.

B2B marketers are using the latest techniques, LinkedIn automation tools, and other strategies to engage more and more visitors.

For those who want to build a strong network on LinkedIn and maximize their engagement and traffic, this blog is for you. To help you with this, we’ll go over 10 methods for increasing engagement on LinkedIn.

Let’s start by understanding audience engagement?

What Is Audience Engagement and Why Does It Matter in 2021?

In simple words, the extent to which your target audience takes interest in your content is called audience engagement.

If you have a low engagement rate, that means you’re not providing value to your audience. A profile with a high engagement rate means people like what you’re offering to them.

Audience engagement is very important as it helps you build a strong personal brand. When you provide them value, they are more likely to trust you. When they trust you, they frequently visit your profile, and you will eventually get more sign-ups.

Let us show you how to do that.

Best Techniques to Boost Your Engagement on LinkedIn

1. Create & Post Relevant Content Consistently

LinkedIn is a haven for marketers who want to attract an audience through the power of content.

If you want to maximize your engagement, you need to maintain a consistent posting process. Whatever you write, make sure it adds value to the feed and serves your connections.

According to surveys, users who post 40–50 times in a month experience an average engagement of 56% and that’s a good figure. However, make sure you don’t post too much because it can affect your optimal engagement.

Also, see what days and timing are suitable for posting content.

In addition to posting your own content, make sure you also engage with other people’s posts and leave comments there.

2. Use LinkedIn Automation Tools for Engagement

Automation is a great time saver — it helps you maximize your visibility and engagement in a short time.

However, you need to use the best LinkedIn automation tools wisely.

These LinkedIn tools come with amazing features to perform activities to boost engagement automatically. You can set up profile visits using any advanced LinkedIn automation tool.

When the tool visits hundreds of profiles, your prospects will get notified and many of them will visit back your profile. This is great to bring more and more people to your page and increase engagement.

If you’re going to use LinkedIn automation tools, make sure you choose one with reliable and advanced filters. Low-quality tools can lead to spamming.

3. Understand Metrics

Measuring audience engagement should be part of your strategy. You need to keep an eye on page views, profile visits, messaging opening rates, message interactions, etc.

Analyze if all these metrics align with your company’s engagement goals. If you’re focusing on content marketing, measure the click-through rates to see how effective your content is and how it is performing.

You can use LinkedIn analytics for this purpose or there are also some advanced LinkedIn automation tools that provide all the metrics about your activities are performing.

4. Share Visual Content More

According to content marketing surveys, articles that have attractive images get 90% more views as compared to those without visual content.

Visual content can also include videos, infographics, podcasts, slides, etc.

When posting your article on LinkedIn, make you post it directly instead of sharing a link. It’s because people are less likely to click on a link. For instance, if you want to post a video, upload it instead of sharing the link. It will give you a better engagement rate.

5. Be more personalized — less sales-y

If you’re reading this blog, obviously you’re looking for ways to promote yourself and your brand on LinkedIn.

However, avoid being too pushy in your LinkedIn posts because it will do the opposite.

Don’t boast about your product directly instead try to engage with them in a more thought-leadership style.

One good way to maximize engagement is by sending personalized messages in the inboxes. Many B2B marketers are using the latest LinkedIn automation tools to send highly personalized messages with custom GIFs, images, and prospects avatars.

When people like what you send to them, they will trust you and eventually click on your profile to see who you are.

6. Participate in LinkedIn Groups More and More

LinkedIn groups are a surefire way to increase engagement. When you get into a relevant group, you can set your reputation as an industry expert by posting relevant and interesting content.

You can maximize your engagement by liking and commenting on other’s posts. Eventually, people will get familiar with you and then you share your own content in the groups as well. If you provide value through your content, more people will get attracted to you.

You can also send them messages and there are high chances they will accept your connection requests.

Thus, find relevant groups and members using the best LinkedIn automation tools or basic LinkedIn filters and once you’re in, post personalized content.

7. Always Add a CTA in Your Messages

Adding a CTA into your message can trigger engagement. People are very likely to click on the button when you add it at the end of the message.

Make sure you write a very catchy line at the end and add a CTA. Play with different CTAs and see which one works for you the best.


LinkedIn is a very influential B2B platform that has unlimited business opportunities. You need to use practices to maximize your presence on this platform by increasing your audience engagement rate Use the above practices and let us how these worked for you.

More articles to check read:

Proven Techniques and Hacks to Find Prospects Using LinkedIn Automation Tools

Using LinkedIn for Prospecting: Top 5 Ways to Hit the Best Profiles



Susan Parker

Hi! I am Susan and, a Marketing analyst, Marketing strategist, and Growth Hacker.