How to Build a Sales Pipeline on LinkedIn

Susan Parker
4 min readSep 13, 2021


LinkedIn automation tool

LinkedIn is one of the — if not the most — powerful platforms for networking and B2B lead generation.

While Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. are also useful platforms to get your business exposure and find valuable customers there, LinkedIn is typically a professional network where you can find your ideal leads directly.

However, setting up your profile and expecting the leads to fall into your lap is nothing but an illusion. It’s not the magic Wizard of Harry Potter and you have to use some tactics, LinkedIn automation tools, and some powerful strategies to fill your pipeline with amazing leads.

If you’re a B2B marketer who wants to build a healthy sales pipeline, it’s time you start using LinkedIn. Here are some tips that you must use to give yourself a chance to succeed.

1. Go in With the Right Strategy

Knowing what you want to achieve and who is your target audience is important as it will help you formulate a great strategy.

Going in with the right strategy means creating a checklist of things that needs to be done to get closer to your goal.

Thus, before you start, make sure you know who you want to target, which LinkedIn automation tools are best for your business, what are your end goals and how you plan to achieve them.

2. Connect Only with the Relevant People

For successful LinkedIn B2B lead generation, connecting with the best people who meet your ideal client avatar is a crucial step.

There are more than 760 million prospects on LinkedIn but not all of them are suitable for your business.

You can filter out your ideal clients using the best LinkedIn automation tools. These tools enable you to extract out people based on industry type, job type, location, company size, etc. that are most likely to turn into potential clients in the future.

To reach the best prospects, we recommend going for LinkedIn Sales Navigator as it is the best tool when it comes to finding the most relevant prospects.

3. Connect Prospects with a More Personalized Approach

You can’t expect to get a lot of responses from potential clients if you approach them with boring, old templates that fail to capture any attention.

According to surveys, people are more likely to respond when they see you have put an effort into knowing and understanding their needs.

Gone are days when people could generate sales using cold outreach. Nowadays, you have to approach your prospects with personalized messages to build strong and healthy business relationships with them.

Sending a few personalized messages is easy but when you have to approach thousands of prospects, it seems like a challenge. However, you can take advantage of the best LinkedIn automation tools.

The latest LinkedIn automation tools come with features that enable you to send highly personalized messages containing prospects’ avatars, custom images, and GIFs.

Users have been able to get maximum acceptance and response rates using these techniques.

4. Segregate Your Leads

Another important stage of maintaining a healthy sales pipeline is segregating leads.

When you use advanced LinkedIn automation tools to generate leads, you should know which leads deserve more effort than others.

There are some leads that are ready to convert and need a little effort. Such leads should be on the top of the funnel. However, there are some leads that are cold and don’t convert even after so much struggle. So instead of spending a lot of time converting these leads, focus on hot leads to build a healthy sales pipeline.

5. Keep an Eye on Analytics

If you’re a B2B marketer, know that sales cannot thrive without useful data. If you’re running a LinkedIn automation campaign, you must keep an eye on the metrics to analyze campaign performance.

Analyzing campaign details can help you get a better idea of which direction you should go to. You can see which campaigns are bringing you maximum sales, etc. If a campaign is not performing well, you can check which areas or steps need improvement.

You can use the best LinkedIn automation tool that not only runs campaigns but also provide you all the campaign metrics and details in one place.

You can see all the leads and their relevant details on the dashboard and make more informed decisions.


Building a healthy sales pipeline is an important part of LinkedIn outreach. It all starts with a strong presence on LinkedIn and connecting with the most relevant prospects that can be your potential clients in the future.

Generating qualified leads and making sales on LinkedIn is absolutely not a free ride. It does require some effort, willingness, and the best LinkedIn automation tools to get outcomes. If done right, you will significant improvement in no time.



Susan Parker

Hi! I am Susan and, a Marketing analyst, Marketing strategist, and Growth Hacker.