Why is Lead Generation Important for Modern B2B? Best Ways to 3X Your B2B Leads

Susan Parker
3 min readAug 18, 2021


B2B Lead generation

Why are businesses always making efforts to generate leads? Why do they need lead generation techniques?

Lead generation is like the lifeblood for businesses; they can’t survive without leads.

In the modern digital landscape, many businesses have gone online and customers have unlimited options. They are not waiting around for you to throw sales-y pitches on them, they’re looking for the information that they need to solve their problems.

BazaarVoice Research has shown that more than 60% of the buyers check for the brand reputation and online reviews before making a purchase. That means you don’t need to go online but to establish a great reputation and trust to generate leads. For that, you must:

1. Make it easy for customers to find you

2. Make them trust you.

3. Provide them valuable information so they buy from you

To do so, you need a proper lead generation strategy to help you target your audience, generate leads, and convert them into sales. Lead generation brings more traffic to your website and from there you can easily nurture and convert them.

The Key Benefits of Lead Generation Are:

1. It enables you to collect valuable customer data — Enables you to collect important customer data such as their contact information, and their purchasing behavior so you personalize your efforts. You need to personalize your efforts in such a way that customers are more likely to buy from you.

2. Increases brand awareness — As you use more lead generation strategies, your company becomes more well-known and reputed in the market.

3. Helps you target the right audience — With the right lead generation strategy, you can easily find and target the right audience. With this, you can easily cut down on the leads that are cold and are of less value.

4. Boosts Sales — With the right lead generation strategy, you enjoy better conversions, therefore, more sales and more revenue.

Where to find leads?

So how do we find leads? Is there any specific channel where you can find leads? What’s the process of turning a lead into a customer? To get answers to these questions, you need to understand where your lead generation fits in the sales and marketing funnel. What key channels do you prefer when it comes to using different marketing tactics to find ideal leads?

As there are many ways for lead generation, social media marketing is becoming very popular in this regard. The reason: It’s because social media channels millions upon millions of users.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have millions of users. Currently, Facebook has more than 2.5 billion users and LinkedIn has more than 740 million active users. That means a hefty amount of potential clients are out there. You just need to reach out to them and turn them into leads.

Why LinkedIn is Ideal for B2B Lead Generation

With more than 760 million prospects that belong to 150+ industries, LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful platform for B2B lead generation. 90% of the B2B marketers prefer this platform and 80% of the B2B traffic solely comes from this channel.

This shows LinkedIn is the top platform when it comes to generating B2B leads. But how do marketers find their leads?

Finding your ideal leads among millions of prospects is not an easy job. That’s why a lot of B2B marketers and businesses are using the best LinkedIn automation tools.

The latest LinkedIn automation tools have been designed to perform the basic repetitive tasks such as finding people, connecting with them, sending messages and follow-ups.

Many users claim that LinkedIn automation tools have made their B2B lead generation very simple and quick. These tools collect leads data that marketers can use to nurture their leads to move them down the sales funnel.



Susan Parker

Hi! I am Susan and, a Marketing analyst, Marketing strategist, and Growth Hacker.